Chapter 38
As I am lying here waiting for my leg to heal, I hear what seems like soft steps on the boulders coming from my backside. Unable to move my leg still, all I can do is turn my head slightly in that direction. I lay completely frozen and focused on if I can hear or smell anything, 'I have been retracting our scent, so no wolf should be able to smell us. But something feels off, be as prepared as you can be and if you feel we are in a losing battle, hand control over to me. Try to prevent us from having to shift however, I do not want anyone -and rogues specifically- to see me.
As I hear the footsteps approaching, there is no time to dwell on why Liberty is adamant on not being seen. The footsteps come closer and closer, until I hear a man speak up "what are you doing here?".
Turning my head, I see a naked man standing a few feet behind me. By the smell of him, this is definitely a rogue. Although he doesn't smell badly, you can still smell what he is. Since he is in his human form, this is a rogue who is not too feral and still in control. Unable to hide my annoyance at his interference in my predicament, I reply "having a picknick. What does it look like to you?" gesturing to my leg which has closed up, but has dried up blood all over it. While he is staring at me void of any visible emotions, I take a chance to size him up. He is a bulky guy, brown hair and amber eyes. As soon as my leg is healed, I should be able to take him down in my human form. But right now, I am as vulnerable as can be.
"Where are you from?" I contemplate how I am going to respond to that, as I have no desire whatsoever to tell anyone ever where I am from. "Nowhere. I am a rogue.". He eyes me up and down suspiciously, before sternly answering "you don't look like a rogue. And you sure don't smell like one. Which means you have only just recently become one. Now, before I decide on what I need to do with you, you will have to let me know where you are from and why you became a rogue"."
What do you mean have to do with me? I am just minding my own business and only traveling through this part. You don't have to do anything. I will be out of your territory before you know it, I am not a threat".
He snorts at my response with a wide grin on his face "a threat? That is the last thing I would consider you. Even if you weren't a she wolf, that leg of yours would do the trick of making you as harmless as a puppy right now. Look, you are really lucky it's me who found you.
There are a lot of feral rogues in this area who wouldn't think twice before ending you on the spot. And then there are quite a few who aren't feral. I don't think I have to explain to you what they would do to a pretty girl... "I gulp at his comment, honestly not having thought about that part yet, before he continues.
"Like I said, you're lucky it's me as I am neither of those. And I would like to help you out, but before I do, I need to make sure what I'm dealing with.
If you are exiled for serious reasons, I would rather not get in the middle of that and put a target on my back. I am also just trying to live my life somewhat peacefully".
"I.... I'm not exiled." I sigh. "I'm not sure what they would have done had I stayed, but I chose to leave my pack. I defied the future Alpha" before I can even blink, Liberty pipes up 'don't say anything else about that night! Just keep it at this".
"That is all?" having an incredulous look on his face. "Yes. Although I have to admit I never fitted in anyway. I had already decided I would be leaving after high school". "Hmmmm. OK. Just don't mention my name to anyone for helping you out if you were to get caught he slightly smirks.
"Well that would be easy to do since I don't know your name. But if you can just leave me be for a few more minutes that would be helping me out enough already" "you really are oblivious to where you are, aren't you? I'm surprised you have made it this far without being caught as it is.
I'll leave you alone if you insist, but trust me, it's not safe out here. Especially for a pretty she wolf.... You need to get back to human territory or any pack land as soon as possible". "I'll manage" I squeeze out annoyed, and with that he sighs and heads back towards the tree line. Phew.
That wasn't too bad for my second rogue encounter.NôvelDrama.Org owns all content.
He was actually pretty nice and seemed genuinely concerned. But, I don't know why he has turned rogue either, and I don't intend on finding out as I am not sticking around here. And I sure as hell won't make the same mistake of trusting someone ever again. After a while, Liberty speaks up Lola, your leg is mostly healed. It will still be very sensitive though, so be very careful where you place your feet on these slippery boulders.
It will take some time to fully heal, but at least you are able to head towards the tree line for cover now. Without any hesitation, I jump onto my feet and carefully start making my way towards the safety of the tree line.
Still limping from the sensitivity of my leg, I try to shake off the words from the rogue. What would they do to me if they found me? The thought of it sends cold shivers down my spine and an uneasy feeling creeps up on me.